Monday, July 03, 2006

Fala Portugues?

“What do the Duncan’s do everyday?”is probably a question most of you ask, right? Well, we are in language 3 hours a day/5 days a week and the other hours are spent cooking meals or still unpacking our bags. We have now realized that learning a language isn’t as easy or fun as we hoped for! It takes soooo much patience and perseverance. We do try to make it as fun as possible by learning numbers with Monopoly money or labeling everything in our house! We have a personal tutor named Luis (he is 4 feet tall and very funny!). He has taken us out to the market to help us learn our fruits and veggies. So it isn’t too bad, but our brains hurt everyday as we are now trying to form real sentences. aka “The book is on the table”…we are really expanding our vocabulary!! However, this past weekend we were also able to sit in on a True Love Waits session. This took place at a local school and involved about 40 youth from different areas of the city. As the youth were asked about cultural practices regarding premarital sex, our hearts were broken with the sad response of “kids start having sex at age 10.” It was good for us to gain a Mozambiquan perspective as we are still forming ideas regarding the True Love Waits program. Our goal is for these children to commit first to a relationship with Jesus Christ and then a commitment to abstinence. Please pray for this ministry as we are taking it into the school system and that we will declare the truth of the gospel boldly at these meetings.

We were also able to go to the coast for some downtime. Here are some pictures of our little weekend getaway we had with the rest of our team. We went to the beach and had so much fun! Our days consisted of snorkeling, eating, and relaxing on the beach. The beaches are beautiful and the water is so clear. The star fishes are gigantic and colorful. It was amazing to see the many different creatures of the sea that the Lord has created! This is definitely a place we plan on visiting again! Also, whenever any of you come and visit, we will take you to this place.

Here are some more prayer requests we have for this week. 1)Pray for the meeting we will have with our True Love Waits team as many changes are needed in this established ministry 2)The hearts of the children we minister to…that God will change their hearts to seek Him through the True Love Waits program. 3) Minds that absorb Portuguese and good memories, 4) Patience and endurance as we study the language 5) Safety as we are now driving in absolute chaos, and 6) Protection against Malaria and all other water/food borne illnesses…we have experienced some pretty bad GI problems lately.


Anonymous said...

Ooo...the beach looks so relaxing! It's the 4th in America tomorrow....hope you can celebrate all the way across the world :) Praying for you each week! Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said...

Ooo...the beach looks so relaxing! It's the 4th in America tomorrow....hope you can celebrate all the way across the world :) Praying for you each week! Keep up the great work!!

Anonymous said... the University of Utah shirt Corey...was to represent!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys are doing some awesome work over there. We pray for you often. We will definately pray about you new prayer requests. That beach looks amazing!! Im glad you get a little time to relax and have fun. love ya
Erika and Eric

Anonymous said...

Great picture of you guys with the sunset. By the way, I have wondered what Gary Coleman is up to these days, and see he has taken up tutoring in Africa. No more security guard duty in LA.
Chris in Middle Kingdom

Anonymous said...

By the way, Nikki pointed out I might be offending your tutor. Let me be the first to say that I have great respect for Gary Coleman, thus meaning no disrespect to your tutor, only pointing out a striking resemblance. If I had mentioned he looked like Todd Bridges, then that would have been an insult. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Chris from Middle Kingdom

Anonymous said...

Last comment, I promise! Nikki has pointed out that Gary Coleman may have been in prison, too. So, in an effort to not make any insults to your tutor, please tell him he looks like Tom Cruise!
Chris from Middle Kingdom

Sean and Rachael said...

I can only imagine what the Dawg's GI problems would be like with foreign food influencing the potency. As a first hand observer to the power of said GI, I can tell you that no mozambiquian is safe. Maybe driving would be safer if Corey could fire a warning shot across the bow of oncoming vehicles. It might even clear the road...just a thought

jake and erin said...

Did Corey poop his pants? Be honest.... there's no shame there. I will wear some skids to commemorate this occasion!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your blog. I have to admit I was doing a little catch up. I wonder how close Brazilian Portugese is to the Portugese your learning. I am listening to tapes daily in the car as we prepare for our trip to Brazil. I really wish the speaker would slow down a little. But at least he speaks English. Cassandra and I will pray for you, especially for learning the language. What a blessing God is to the people there through you. Take care!

Sarah - HBC

Anonymous said...

oi! how's the portuguese coming along?? i haven't really started to listen to the tapes that we got. i listened to the first sentence then walked out of my room. then i downloaded it onto my mp3 for the van ride down to glorieta. but that's as far as i got. i know abrigada. so...abrigada para being mis amigos. in brazil i'll probably combine spanish and english into spanglish and hopefully they'll understand. just kidding:D i miss you guys mucho grande!! and abrigada for calling jenni awhile back ago. it was amazingly awesome to hear your voice! when you get back, you can see the video ryan toth is making for our centrifuge trip. he made a trailer teaser and we've been watching the hilarious 30 seconds of it at vbs. it's about jeremy doing his freaky dance moves. tina's pretty proud of him, except when we tell complete strangers that that's her son. so yea. i miss you guys! luv you too....

Anonymous said...

it might be obligada i just found out...but w/e the word is, it means thanks! :D