Sunday, May 07, 2006

Last week of the MLC

This week is our last week at MLC! The time has gone by soooo fast! We feel like we just settled down here but now we are getting ready to pack up our bags and head back to the SLC. We have really enjoyed our time here and God has taught us so much! We can’t even imagine not going through this training prior to going to Mozambique. We feel much more prepared to go than we did before coming here. So now it’s on to the SLC and CA to say some PAINFUL goodbyes and then we are off to Mozambique.

This past week here was really neat. On one of the days we went as a group to Washington D. C. with the main purpose of sharing Christ there. This went really well as God provided us a couple of opportunities to share with people. The day started off with us going to the Mozambique embassy to drop off all of our visa stuff. (FYI, we should have them about a couple of days before we leave hopefully, so please still keep this in your prayers!!!) After we did this, we wanted to try out an African restaurant. We had no idea how to get there, but someone pointed us in direction. Well on the way to the restaurant we stumbled across a Krispy Kreme Donut store. “AHHH Krispy Kreme,” said Corey’s belly, so we decided to stop for a little treat.

The man at the counter noticed Corey’s UTAH UTES t-shirt (go UTES!!!) and immediately started conversing with him about basketball. After much small chat, the man asked a very profound leading question. “Isn’t this world so dark?” Jenni answered him, “Yeah it really is, and why do you think that is?” We spent the next 30 minutes sharing with Trenair about the darkness of this world/man and the need for LIGHT, that LIGHT being JESUS CHRIST! He was so receptive to the gospel and was excited about the Good News that we shared with him. We gave him a handout with more information on Jesus and Trenair asked that we pray for strength for him. We are very glad that God led us to talk to this man.

As we left Krispy Kreme, Jenni’s belly was screaming hunger and since we still couldn’t find the African place, we stopped in at an Indian Restaurant. (Ymmmm…Indian Food!) Since we were eating such a late lunch, the place was empty. The waiter (Edwin) that we had was from El Salvador and talked with us the entire time that we ate. As we were leaving, he followed us outside and started sharing about his Christian grandma in El Salvador. He said that he was raised to believe in God but couldn’t pursue that life right now, because that would mean he couldn’t do the things that he loves right now. He did however say that he would want God in his life later. This led into a long conversation outside of the restaurant. We got to share the gospel and the urgency to live for Christ today and not wait for tomorrow! Corey was able to relate to this man as they are the same age. He also shared about the difference that Jesus has made in his life and that he would never want to go back to the life that he had before Christ changed his heart. As were leaving, Edwin said that he was going to take a break and think about all that we had discussed and read the handouts that we had given him about HOPE and LIFE in Jesus.

In summary, we are humbled to be used in such ways by the Lord and are truly grateful that He led us to these 2 men (by using our cravings and hungry bellies!) This is just a taste of what God is doing here. Sharing the gospel side by side….Life could not be better!

For the next 2 weeks we need your prayers as we leave all of our family and friends…it is gonna be rough!!! Also, please keep Trenair and Edwin from D.C. in your prayers.

Here's a picture of us outside the National Archives in Washington D.C. where we were able to see the Constitution.


jake and erin said...

If il Cane had taken these men outside and shown them the greater revelation of the Corey cross-over they would have turned to Christ right there on the spot (and it would also provide an opportunity for a miraculous healing of their ankles.

Your story also provides all of us with the needed encouragement that eating donuts will inevitably lead to opportunities to share the Gospel.... do you ever hear someone say.... hey I went it to the supermarket to chew a head of lettuce and I had this great conversation? No! This is because the lost are all eating donuts... I will continue to pray for your donut ministry.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What great stuff!! So amazing to hear how God is using you each day before you even head to Africa! He is so good :) I'll be praying for your VISA and for your trip back to the SLC as you say your goodbyes. Keep up the great work! I agree with Jake....donuts are the way to go!!

Anonymous said...

We are so excited to hear the way GOd is working in your lives and of the people you come in contact with. God has big plans for you two!! We will be praying for you and for your visas to come!! We miss you and are looking forward to having dinner with you before you leave!! Eric and Erika

Anonymous said...

Loved reading your blogspot. It was so easy to get to, just like you said. I love the pics, too. You two are just too cool! We will miss living close to you. Hugs!