Friday, April 07, 2006

Shot Day at MLC

A picture of my sweet wife after she's been given a shot.
Our arms hurt so bad. This was our 2nd day of shots with
one more to go. Our arms are bruised and they hurt! Jenni
only had to get 4 today and Corey had 5. Out of our whole
group, Corey has to get the most shots each shot day!

Jenni stickin it to me (aka giving me my shots)
Jenni is a nurse on the medical team here at the MLC
and helps give everyone their shots.

Corey and Jenni at the home of Thomas Jefferson.
(our 3rd president, just in case you didn't know)

The view outside our window. It is beautiful here!


Stacy said...

Cute pics! I am glad to see some finally posted! Thanks for the history lesson on the presidents!

Stacy said...
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jake and erin said...

Aren't you two so cute....
I'm glad you finally decided to post some pictures! Why does Corey have to get so many shots? Are they trying to prevent the spread of Whore of Babylonitis?

Sean and Rachael said...

I hate shots....but if they prevent whore of babylonitis then sign me up. I have found that when I scream "Go Utes" whilst receiving a shot it causes it to hurt less, but only if you really believe in the Utes. It looks like Corey had received this revelation just in time.

keep posting pictures!

CCR said...

Silly blog-commenters, don't you know that every DAWG needs his shots?

Silly dawg, don't you know that when you marry a nurse, she'll be stickin' it to you for the rest of your life.